One Girl and Her Wool

One Girl and Her Wool

Growing up in the Yorkshire Dales, near Ilkley Moor Bha t’at, knitting was not unusual in fact everyone did it! 

My mother taught me and her mother likewise.  Actually, it was only a few years ago when I found out that I am a knit-aholic of some 50 years – I knit in the continental way! Who knew?! So that would make sense as I have French ancestors on both sides. And yes, my brother can knit.  He wanted a Dr Who aka Tom Baker style scarf in the 70s so he knocked one up and was only supervised by Mum.   It was a great success and he was known as a fashionista in our village for a while!

Now I’m always kntting … or should I say I'm never not kntting?  Which is it, I'm never sure?  But it’s delight to be surrounded by your drug of choice … just helping yourself off the shelves whenever the mood hits!  Always remembering to adjust the stock levels on the website so that some unsuspecting customer doesn't try to order one of my WIPs (works in progress) - of course that never happens!!!  And unfortunately, being contstantly surrounded by squishy gorjuss yarns,  means I seem to have 57 million UFO's (unfinished objects!).  Literally any cupboard you open my house will have yarn secreted somewhere and more often than not it will smack you in the face as it tumbles from my not so great hiding place.  I do believe I may have to live to 300 to complete all my projects.

So where was I ... oh yes, so when the OH asked my what else I could do other than fight with people (professionally I mean!) and I said knit ...that is how all this came about and A Bit Woolly was born.  Well, next month the website is 11 years old not in her current form you understand, she has been super duper whizz banged up by a professional now and she is looking great (although I say so myself).  But from those early days with £500 of stock, an Ikea shelving unit and minimal IT knowledge to where I am now is amazing.  You could say I've 'been on a journey' but I don't have a bucket handy and as a pragmatic realist it has been hard at times but generally great fun.  Anyone, thinking of turning your hobby into your job I can highly recommend it ... it's a joy ... left alone unsupervised with yarn WOO HOO! The possibilities are endless ...

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